In 2010 we estimate 40 homes took part, many community members out and about getting great finds and connecting with neighbors. Shoppers expressed an interest in Thursday sales so this year it will take place over the above three days. Feel free to join in any or all of the days.
We look forward to association wide participation in this year’s event and hope that 2011 is bigger with more participating homes.
Getting ready for the sale
Those wishing to join in should arrange signs and advertisements, local papers and/or Craigslist. We are asking to have an awareness of other homes and streets to direct shoppers around our community. Many last year came and specifically asked which streets had sales going on, know this and spreading the word will help everyone. You may join in any or all of the dates, Thursday June 23rd through Saturday June 25th. The TCA will be placing ads in the Eagle to be published the week before and the week of the sale.
Feel free to direct questions to TCABirmingham@gmail.com or comment below for additional information.
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